Rábai Gyula tudományos közleményei

Előadások jelentősebb nemzetközi konferenciákon

01. Bazsa, Gy., Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
The Effect of Solvent Composition on the Kinetics and Catalysis of the
Reaction Cr(H2O)63+ = Cr(DMSO)63+ in Water-DMSO System
Proc. IVth. Int. Conf. Non-Aqueous Solutions, Vienna, p.26. (1974)

02. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
Kinetics, Mechanism, and Design of Oligo-Oscillatory Reaction
Abst. Third Int. Conf. on the Mechanism of Reactions in Solutions,
Canterbury 5-9 July (1982)

03. Beck, M.T., Bazsa, Gy., Rábai, Gy., Fábián, I.
Exotic Kinetic Phenomena Involving Metal Complexes
Abst. Int. Conf. on Coordination Chemistry Boulder,
Colorado July 29- August 3, (1984)

04. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Autocatalytic Oxidation of Iodine by Cholrite
Abst. Fourth Int. Conf. on Mechanism of Reactions in Solution
Canterbury D18 7-11 July (1986)

05. Rábai, Gy.
Designing pH-oscillators
Abst. Am. Chem. Soc. Annual Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts April 24-28 (1989)

06. Rábai, Gy.
New Developments in Designing pH-oscillators
Proc. the 3th Simposium on Nonlinear Chemical Reactions and Cooperative
Phenomena, Okazaki, p.38. (1993)

07. Rábai Gy.
Chaotic pH-oscillations with CO2 as a Negative Feedback Species
Proc. the 6. Simposium on Nonlinear Chemical Reactions and Cooperative
Phenomena, Okazaki, p.7. (1996)

08. Rábai Gy.
Temperature-Compensation in the pH-Oscillators
Summer Seminars, Hiroshima (1999)

09. Rábai Gy.
Periodikus és kaotikus pH-oszcillációk
VIII. Nemzetközi Vegyész Konferencia, Kolozsvár, plenáris előadás (2002)

10. Rábai Gy.
Designing Periodic and Chaotic pH-oscillators
ESF Reactor Workshop, Budapest, (2003)


1. Beck, M.T., Durham, D., and Rábai, Gy.
Oxidation of Hydrazine by Chromium(VI)
Inorg. Chim. Acta 18, L17, (1976)

2. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa Gy. és Beck, M.T.
A hexakis-(dimethyl-sulfoxid)-króm(III) komplex képzôdésének
és akválódásának kinetikája és katalízise
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 82, 60 (1976)

3. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Kinetics of Formation and Aquation of Hexakis-(Dimethyl-
Sulfoxide)-Chromium(III) in Catalytic and non Catalytic Reactions
Acta Chimica Hungarica 102, 223, (1979)

4. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa, Gy. és Beck, M.T.
Overshoot-undershoot kinetikájú reakciórendszerek tervezése
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 85, 378, (1979)

5. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Design of Reaction Systems Exhibiting Overshoot-Undershoot Kinetics
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 101, 6746, (1979)

6. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa, Gy., Beck, M.T.
A bromát-aszkorbinsav-malonsav rendszer kinetikai vizsgálata
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 86, 112, (1980)

7. Rábai, Gy., Bazsa, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Kinetic Investigation of the Bromate-Ascorbic Acid-Malonic Acid System
Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 13, 1277, (1981)

8. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Hydroxylamine by Iodine
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 573, (1982)

9. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
The Oxidation of Hydroxylamine by Iodate or Periodate: an Oligo-oscillatory Reaction
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1687 (1982)

10. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
A porfirinképzodés mechanizmusa a pirrol és a benzaldehid-m-diszulfonsav
autofotoszenzibilizált reakciójában
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 89, 195, (1983)

11. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
A hidrazin perjodátos oxidációjának kinetikája
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 90, 116, (1984)

12. Rábai, Gy., and Beck, M.T.
Kinetics of the Oxidation of Hydrazine by Periodate
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 919, (1984)

13. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
Mechanism of the Autophotosensitized Formation of Porphyrins
in the Reaction of Pyrrole and m-Disulfonated Benzaldehyde
Acta Chimica Hungarica 117, 125, (1984)

14. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Oxidation of Thiourea by Iodate: a New Type of Oligo- oscillatory Reaction
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1669, (1985)

15. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
Magy. Kém. Folyóirat 91, 332, (1985)

16. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
Oscillations and Oligo-oscillations in Hydrogen Ion Concentration
J. Phys. Chem. 89, 3907, (1985)

17. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Autoxidation of Ascorbic Acid is not an Oscillatory Reaction
Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 17, 1273, (1985)

18. Beck, M.T., Rábai, Gy.
Iodine Chloride: a Key Intermediate in the Chlorite-Iodide Reaction
J. Phys. Chem. 90, 2204, (1986)

19. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Autocatalytic Reaction between Iodine and Chlorite Ion
Inorg. Chem. 26, 1195, (1987)

20. Rábai, Gy., Nagy, V.Zs., Beck, M.T
Quantitative Description of the Oscillatory Behaviour of Iodate-Sulfite-Thiourea System in CSTR
React. Kinet. Catal. Letters 33, (1), 23 (1987)

21. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
Exotic Kinetic Phenomena and Their Chemical Explanation in the Iodate-Thiosulfate-Sulfite System
J. Phys. Chem. 92, 2804, (1988)

22. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T.
High-Amplitude Hydrogen Ion Concentration Oscillation in the
Iodate-Thiosulfate-Sulfite System under Closed Conditions
J. Phys. Chem. 92, 4831, (1988)

23. Beck, M.T. Rábai, Gy.
Oligo-oszcillációs reakciók kinetikája és mechanizmusa
Kém. Közl. 68,(1), 116 (1988)

24. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Hexacyanoferrate(II) by Bromate
Inorg. Chem. 28, 732, (1989)

25. Rábai, Gy., Beck, M.T., Kustin, K., Epstein, I.R.
Sustained and Damped Oscillation in the Periodate-Thiosulfate Reaction in a CSTR
J. Phys. Chem. 93, 2853, (1989)

26. Rábai, Gy., Kustin, K., Epstein, I.R.
A Systematically Designed pH Oscillator: The Hydrogen Peroxide-
Sulfite-Ferrocyanide Reaction in a Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactor
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 3870, (1989)

27. Rábai, Gy., Kustin, K., and Epstein, I.R.
Light-Sensitive Oscillations in the Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Ferrocyanide
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 8271, (1989)

28. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Oxidation of Hydroxylamine by Periodate in a Continuous-Flow
Stirred Tank Reactor: A New pH Oscillator
J. Phys. Chem. 93, 7556 (1989)

29. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Large Amplitude pH Oscillation in the Oxidation of Hydroxylamine
by Iodate in a Continuous-Flow Stirred Tank Reactor.
J. Phys. Chem. 94, 6361, (1990)

30. Rábai, Gy., Orbán, M., Epstein, I.R.
Design of pH-Regulated Oscillators
Acc. Chem. Res. 23, 258, (1990)

31. Lengyel, I., Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Batch Oscillation in the Reaction of Chlorine Dioxide with Iodine and Malonic Acid
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 4606, (1990)

32. Lengyel, I., Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Experimental and Modeling Study of Oscillations in the
Chlorine Dioxide-Iodine-Malonic Acid Reaction
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 9104, (1990)

33. Rábai, Gy.
pH Oscillation in the Closed System of H2O2-Fe(CN)64--Acetonitrile-Water
J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 1083, (1991)

34. Wang, R.T., Rábai, Gy., Kustin, K.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Iodine Oxidation of Hydroxylamine
Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 24, 11, (1992)

35. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
pH Oscillations in a Semibatch Reactor
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 1529, (1992)

36. Rábai, Gy., Orbán, M., Epstein, I.R.
A Model for the pH-Regulated Oscillatory Reaction between Hydrogen Peroxide and Sulfide Ion
J. Phys. Chem. 96, 5414, (1992)

37. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Equilibria and Kinetics of the Fast Interaction between Copper(II) and
Thiosulfate Ions in Aqueous Solution
Inorg. Chem. 31, 3239, (1992)

38. Orbán, M., Rábai, Gy.
Oszcilláló kémiai rendszerek. Fejezet a Nemlineáris dinamika és egzotikus

kinetikai jelenségek kémiai renszerekben címû egyetemi jegyzetben.
Szerkesztô: Bazsa György, Debrecen-Budapest-Gödöllô, 1992. oldal 206-260.

39. Rábai, Gy., Wang, R.T., Kustin, K.
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Thiourea by Chlorine Dioxide
Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 25, 53, (1993)

40. Rábai, Gy., Orbán, M.
General Model for the Chlorite Ion Based Chemical Oscillators
J. Phys. Chem. 97, 5935, (1993)

41. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Oscillatory Reaction in the Hydrogen Peroxide-Sulfite Ion-Hexacyanoferrate(II)Ion System
in a Semibatch Reactor
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 2592, (1994)

42. Rábai, Gy.
Explanation of the Long-Lived Oscillations in the Chlorite Ion-Iodide Ion-Malonic
Acid System
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 5920, (1994)

43. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Light-Induced State Transitions in the Oscillatory ClO2--Cl--Iodomalonic Acid System
in a Semibatch Reactor
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 10550, (1994)

44. Mori, Y., Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Photoinduced Bifurcation between Steady and Oscillatory States in the Fe(CN)64--H2O2
Reaction in a Flow Reactor
J. Phys. Chem. 98, 12968, (1994)

45. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Photo-Induced Disproportionation of Iodomalonic Acid
Int. J. Chem. Kinet. 27, 431, (1995)

46. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Oxidation of Thiocyanate by Bromate is not an Oscillatory Reaction in a Batch Reactor.
A Comment.
J. Phys. Chem. 99, 10061, (1995)

47. Hanazaki, I., Mori, Y., Sekiguchi, T., Rábai, Gy.
Photo-Response of Chemical Oscillators
Physica D 84, 228, (1995)

48. Rábai, Gy., Kaminaga, A., Hanazaki, I.
The Role of the Dushman Reaction and the Ferricyanide Ion in the Oscillatory
IO3--SO32--Fe(CN)64- Reaction
J. Phys. Chem. 99, 9795, (1995)

49. Kaminaga, A., Rábai, Gy., Mori, Y., Hanazaki, I.
Photoresponse of the Ferrocyanide-Bromate-Sulfite Chemical Oscillator under
Flow Conditions J. Phys. Chem. 100, 9389, (1996)

50. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
pH Oscilations in the Bromate-Sulfite-Marble Semibatch and Flow Systems
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 10615, (1996)

51. Kurin-Csörgei, K., Orbán, M., Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Model for the Oscillatory Reaction between Hydrogen Peroxide and Thiosulfate
Catalysed by Copper(II) Ion J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 92, 2851, (1996)

52. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Chaotic pH Oscilations in the Sulfur(IV)-Hydrogen Peroxide-Marble Flow System
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 15454, (1996)

53. Rábai, Gy., Kaminaga, A., Hanazaki, I.
Mechanism of the Oscillatory Bromate Oxidation of Sulfite and Ferrocyanide
in a CSTR J. Phys. Chem. 100, 16443, (1996)

54. Rábai, Gy., Kaminaga, A., Hanazaki, I.
Chaotic pH Oscillations in the Hydrogen Peroxide-Sulfite-Ferrocyanide-
Hydrogen Carbonate flow System Chem. Commun. 2181, (1996)

55. Hanazaki, I., Rábai, Gy.
Origin of Chemical Instability in the Bromate-Sulfite Flow System
J. Chem. Phys. 105, 9912, (1996)

56. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Lightinduced Route to Chaos in the H2O2-HSO3--HCO3--Fe(CN)64- Flow System
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 119, 1458, (1997)

57. Rábai, Gy.
Chaos in the H2O2-HSO3-HCO3- Flow System
J. Phys. Chem. A. 101, 7085, (1997)

58. Rábai, Gy.
Modeling and Designing of pH-Controlled Bistability, Oscillations, and Chaos in a CSTR
ACH-Models in Chemistry 135, 381, (1998)

59. Hanazaki, I., Kaminaga, A., Mori, Y., Rábai, Gy.
Response of Some Chemical Oscillator to the Pulsed Light Perturbation
ACH-Models in Chemistry 135, 257, (1998)

60. Kaminaga, A., Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Response of the Ferrocyanide-Hydrogen Peroxide-Sulfite System to a Pulsed Light
Chem. Phys. Letters 284, 109, (1998)

61. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Chaotic pH Oscillations in the Hydrogen Peroxide-Thiosulfate-Sulfite Flow System
J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 7268, (1999)

62. Rábai, Gy., Okazaki, N., Hanazaki, I.
Kinetic Role of Carbon Dioxide Escape in the Oscillatory Hydrogen Peroxide-sulfite
Hyrogen Carbonate Flow System
J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 7224, (1999)

63. Rábai, Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Temperature compensation in the oscillatory hydrogen peroxide-thiosulfate-sulfite flow system
J. Chem. Soc. Cem. Commun. 1965, (1999)

64. Okazaki, N., Rábai Gy., Hanazaki, I.
Discovery of Novel Bromate-Sulfite pH Oscillators with Mn(II) or Mn(VII) as Negative-Feedback
J. Phys. Chem. A 103, 10915, (1999)

65. Orbán, M., Kurin-Csörgei, K., Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Mechanistic studies of oscillatory copper(II) catalyzed oxidationreactions of sulfur compounds
Chem. Eng. Science 55, 267, (2000)

66. Rábai, Gy., Kovács, M.K.
Photoinduced Reaction between Chlorine Dioxide and Iodine in Acidic Aqueous Solution
J. Phys. Chem. A. 105, 6167, (2001)

67. Kovács, M. K., Rábai, Gy.
Large Amplitude pH Oscillations in the Hydrogen Peroxide-Dithionite reaction in a Flow Reactor
J. Phys. Chem. A 105, 9183, (2001)

68. Kovács, M. K., Rábai, Gy.
Mechanism of the oscillatory decomposition of dithionite ion in a flow reactor
J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 790, (2002)

69. Kovács, M. K., Rábai, Gy.
Temperature-compensation in pH-oscillators
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4, 5265, (2002)

Jelentősebb poszterek nemzetközi konferenciákon

01. Rábai, Gy.; Orbán, M.; Epstein, I.R.
Mechanism of the S2--H2O2 Oscillatory Reaction,
Gordon Research Conference Newport RI. U.S.A. 1988 August.

02. Rábai, Gy.
Design of pH-regulated Oscillators,
ACS Annual Meeting Boston MA. U.S.A. 1990. April

03. Lengyel, I., Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I. R.
Mechanism of the Oscillations in the Chlorite-Iodide-Malonic Acid Reaction
ACS Annual Meeting Boston MA. U.S.A. 1990. April

04. Rábai, Gy., Epstein, I.R.
Lightsensitive pH-Oscillations in the H2O2-Fe(CN)64- Flow System,
ACS Annual Meeting Boston MA. U.S.A. 1990. April

05. Rábai, Gy.
pH-Oscillations in the Closed System of H2O2-Fe(CN)64--Acetonitrile-Water,
Gordon Research Conference Newport RI. U.S.A. 1991 August.

06. Rábai, Gy.
Mechanism of pH-Oscillators.
IMS Colloquium, Okazaki, Japan, 1994 April.

07. Rábai, Gy.; Mori, Y.; Hanazaki, I.
Mechanism of the Oscillatory H2O2-Fe(CN)64- Reaction,
International Conference on Chemical Instabilities, Tsukuba, Japan, 1994, March.

08. Rábai, Gy.
pH-Oscillations in a Semibatch Reactor,
International Conference on Nonlinear Phenomena in Chemistry and Biology,
Odense, Danmark, 1995, June.

09. Rábai, Gy.
Chaos in the H2O2-HSO3--Marble Flow System,
IMS Colloquium, Okazaki, Japan, 1996, April.

10. Rábai, Gy.
pH-Oscillations and Chaos with CO2 as Feedback Species,
Conference on Chemical Oscillations and Spatial Structures,
Okazaki, Japan, 1996, November.

11. Rábai, Gy.; Hanazaki, I.
Lightinduced Period Doubling Route to Chaos in the H2O2-HSO3--Fe(CN)64--HCO3- Flow System,
Conference on Chemical Oscillations and Spatial Structures,
Okazaki, Japan, 1996, November.

12. Hanazaki, I. Mori, Y. , Rábai, Gy.
Photoinduction and Photoinhibition of Chemical Oscillations
Japanese Hungarian Workshop,
Budapest, 1998

13. Kovács, K. M., Rábai, Gy.
Temperature-Compensation in the Bray Reaction
Reactor Workshop,
Budapest, 2003.

14. Miklósi, L. A., Szabó, G., Rábai, Gy.
pH-Oscillations in the Presence of Week Acids
Reactor Workshop,
Budapest, 2003.